Museums And Art Galleries Should Show Local History And Culture

IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write at least 250 words.

Museums and art galleries should show local history and culture instead of work from different countries

Discuss both views and give opinion.

Sample Answer:

Most people agree that visits to museums and art galleries can be an interesting and educational experience, and there is much debate on what kind of art should be displayed in these institutions. Some argue that they should focus on the promotion of work from other countries, while others suggest that they should concentrate on local history and culture. This essay will discuss both views before presenting a conclusion.

On the one hand, some people believe that museums and art galleries should give exposure to the art and culture of other countries. This would provide an opportunity for people to appreciate the artistic achievements of other nations and understand the context of the art in relation to the culture of the country. It could also help to promote better understanding between nations and encourage a more positive international outlook. Additionally, it could bring some of the most renowned pieces of art in the world to a wider audience.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that museums and art galleries should primarily be devoted to the promotion of local history and culture. This would be an effective way to educate people about their own history and culture, and to give them a greater understanding of the local area. It could also help to develop a sense of pride and identity in the local community, and could potentially encourage more people to visit and appreciate the local attractions.

In conclusion, although there are arguments for both views, I believe that museums and art galleries should primarily focus on local history and culture. This would be an effective way to educate people about their own area, and could help to foster a greater sense of identity and pride in the local community. Furthermore, it would ensure that the works of local artists receive the recognition that they deserve.