IELTS General Quiz

Your understanding of the IELTS test format is very important as it will help you achieve a good band score. The following test was designed to let you assess how far you know about the IELTS test in general. All the questions listed here are very basic question related to IELTS exam and you should be able to answer all of them very comfortably.

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1. How many reading passages are there in the reading module?


2. How many sections are there in IELTS listening section?


3. Can I write in capital letters in reading and listening answers?


4. Will I have time to read the questions before I listen?


5. Is the speaking test conducted face to face with an examiner or by computer?


6. Do I lose a point if my answer is wrong in the reading test?


7. What criteria I will be assessed in speaking test?


8. How many versions are there in IELTS?


9. Can I take notes for the Cue Card I will talk about?


10. Can I choose my topic to talk about in part 2?


11. How many times will I be able to listen to the recording?


12. Can I have extra paper for making notes for listening?


13. Do I have time to transfer my answers at the end of the reading test?


14. How long does the IELTS speaking test last?


15. Can I ask the examiner to change the topic is part 2 if I can’t talk about it in the speaking?


16. How many questions are there in the IELTS listening section?


17. How long is the IELTS reading test?


18. What is the full form of IELTS?


19. Can I write my answer using a pencil?


20. What are the versions of IELTS?


21. Can I write on the listening question paper?


22. How are the tests marked?


23. Are capital letters important in reading and listening answers?


24. How many sections are there in the IELTS speaking test?


25. How many questions are there in reading test?


26. What does the IELTS test consist of?


27. Can I write on the reading question paper?


28. How many questions will I be asked in speaking part 3?


29. How long is an IELTS score valid?


30. Do I lose a point if my answer is wrong in the listening?


Question 1 of 30
