Some People Say That Now Is The Best Time In History To Be Living

IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write at least 250 words.

Some people say that now is the best time in history to be living

What is your opinion about this?

What other time in history would be interesting to live in?

Sample Answer:

In the past several decades, it has been argued that the current era is the best time in history to be alive. Despite the numerous improvements in technology that have made life more convenient and comfortable, I believe that living in previous eras would have been more interesting than the present day.

First of all, with the advent of the internet and social media, people have become increasingly dependent on technology. This has led to a decrease in face-to-face interaction and an increase in virtual relationships. While this has made communication easier, it has also led to a sense of isolation and disconnection between people. Therefore, in my opinion, it would have been more enjoyable to live in a time when people were more connected on a personal level.

In addition, the modern world is characterized by an obsession with material possessions and an unhealthy fixation on money. This has led to a decrease in the appreciation for simple pleasures such as spending time with loved ones or enjoying nature. Consequently, I believe it would have been more enjoyable to live in a time when the focus was on relationships and the environment, rather than material possessions.

Finally, in the present day, the world is plagued by numerous economic and political issues such as inequality, poverty, and climate change. This has caused a great deal of stress and anxiety, making it difficult to enjoy life. In comparison, in the past, these issues were not as pronounced and life was simpler and more peaceful. Therefore, I think it would have been more enjoyable to live in a time when the world was not so complex and overwhelming.

In conclusion, while the current era has brought numerous improvements in technology and convenience, I believe that it would have been more enjoyable to live in a time when people were more connected, material possessions were not so important, and life was simpler and more peaceful.