IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.
“Prevention is better than cure.”
Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write at least 250 words.
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
Model Answer :
The old adage that prevention is better than cure. Today, more than ever before, researching and treating diseases has become prohibitively expensive. Which is why, the view is widely held that it would be better if we invest in precautionary measures. But, my own position is rather different. This is because, preventive measure, without exceptions, saves money. In my opinion, therefore, the state should invest in researching and treating diseases.
For a start, prevention measures are effective only in few cases. Childhood vaccines, and perhaps some adult vaccines (such as for the flu and pneumonia) are cost effective. The immunizations are cheap, and a large swathe of the population is affected to the diseases they prevent. The cost of catering the immunizations to everyone is less than that of treating the diseases they prevent. These, however, are exceptions.
On the other hand, there is many a deadly diseases that scientists and doctors are yet to fully comprehend. In the cases, we have to invest substantial amounts of money to find out the root causes curing the diseases. Besides, every day, new diseases break out in many part of the world. A very good example here is the Ebola outbreak in Africa. No one ever imagines it that it is spreading like wildfire. As it is a new phenomenon, we have to research to find out the causes and treatment of the disease, even for preventive measures. If we invent the treatment of the disease, we then would save thousands of lives. We, therefore, should spend substantial sums of money on research and treatment of diseases.
In conclusion, I would not say that some preventive measures do not reap savings. Childhood vaccines and some adult vaccines are good example. But, the preventive measures that actually save money are the exceptions. In contrast, many diseases are yet to be comprehended. So, the government should keep the research and treatment running by investing money.